My story with Shane Jorgenson started with a craigslist search for a roommate in Austin, TX. What sold me on my search wasn't the house that I'll be sharing, the size of my room, or the amenities and utility bills. It was the utmost respect and professionalism that reflected from Shane on our first meeting. We became good friends and not too long after he motivated me to become a homeowner, with a constant reminder that the boat of low interest rates and opportunity is about to leave and I need to get on that boat soon. Well here I am 3 years later happily married, being a homeowner, living and loving the American dream. If it wasn't for Shane's honest brotherly advice and guidance, I'd probably still be a renter. Being a first time home buyer, I had read and heard about many phobias related to making the biggest and most difficult purchase in your life. To be quite frank, I did not feel any pressure, anxiety or difficulty during the entire process. Shane was able to introduce me to people like him who helped and explained me each and everything in clear detail and provided much needed support and guidance along the way. I was able to find a home much nicer than my expectations, at a price that I was very comfortable in and my experience was nothing like I had read or heard from my friends and family members. If you're looking for a person or company who will walk you through your home buying journey with honesty and fairness, I would most definitely give Shane Jorgenson a call. It will change your life and your perspective on home buying did for me. Thank you for everything Shane!